Daylight Savings Time, Easter, and Passover: Something In Common - Spiritual Nugget 46
I realize we may have differences of opinion on the “springing forward” event. Still, I am not particularly thrilled to get up and dress in the early morning darkness and have sleepiness be my companion throughout the morning and sometimes most of the day. However, the extended daylight hours do have benefits.
Despite the trial of sleep adjustment, Daylight Savings Time (DST) adds a lot more light to the evening hours, which can bring many advantages during the spring and summer months. Most people gradually adjust to the time change over different intervals ranging from a few days to one week. Their physical and social profiles influence their adjustment period. The celebration of Easter and Passover, which occur soon after the beginning of DST, are also light givers to the soul and bring innumerable benefits to our lives. Both Easter and Passover are celebrations of freedom, light, hope, love, and joy for today and the future. The Passover (“Pesach”) celebration begins the evening of the 14th of Nisan (March—April), the first month of the Jewish calendar. Easter celebrations were formally adopted by ecclesiastical authority in the 7th century as the Sunday following the 14th day of the calendar moon. Passover celebrations tell the story (Haggadah) of freedom from Egyptian bondage through a Passover meal (seder; Hebrew for order)). Easter celebrations tell the Bible story of freedom for mankind through the Messiah's death, burial, and resurrection. The Christian community regards Easter as the most important event in the Christian church. On this day, more people attend church than on any other holiday. Many families often engage in the tradition of giving children Easter baskets filled with chocolate bunnies, coloring easter eggs, or participating in an easter egg hunt. Although these practices may excite children, this tradition completely overlooks the Biblical meaning of Easter. If you ever want to learn more about a Passover celebration, you may consider attending a Livestream or virtual Passover seder. Your internet can provide you with additional information on locating these events. DST may bring us temporary extended light for several months, but the celebrations of Passover and Easter bring eternal blessings. Whether you belong to the Christian community or Jewish community, you have the opportunity to experience the foundations of light—everlasting love and uncommon grace as expressed in the Bible and the Haggadah. |
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