How Do I Crush the Pain and Get to the Hope? - Spiritual Nugget 43
One morning I was power walking along the beach. I had lots of company because the seagulls had just rewarded the beach lovers with a full litter of new baby seagulls. With watchful eyes, the adults stood guard over the entire area in protection of their new additions.
I noticed that one of the adults was limping and having a tough time walking on his tooth-pick sized legs. I imagined he might even be one of the parents who incubated the eggs. Suddenly, he lifted his wings, and off he flew into the distance. I watched him as he circled in flight and then returned, landing a few feet from the group. Even though he may have been in pain, he seemed to know he had a responsibility to be on the ground to find food (earthworms) and fulfill his role to help the other adult seagulls protect the chicks. When we experience pain, most of us seek immediate relief. This relief takes many forms: alcohol, drugs, sex, food, analgesics, and physical or mental intervention. The variety of pain-numbing anesthetics is endless. Physicians frequently prescribe medications to relieve pain but that also have dangerous side effects or lead to addiction. Cannabis storefronts are flourishing and have become the pain reliever of choice in several situations. Finding an effective solution to chronic pain begins with identifying the cause(s). Some are more obvious than others, especially those caused by mental anguish. Hopelessness:
As for the physical disorders, there are so many it would take more than one medical journal to list them. It might be insightful to examine a few of the inner factors which experts theorize may contribute to certain unhealthy physical conditions. Physical and/or Chemical Imbalance:
Depression, Stress and Fear:
Bitterness and Unforgiveness:
When you live with chronic pain, physical or mental, you may be tempted to lose hope, throw in the towel, and give up. You can keep feeding that pain by artificial means, or you can try to run away by substituting one unhealthy situation or experience for another. None of us can avoid the dreariness or downpour of rain that sometimes pushes its way into our journey. But no matter how much rain comes, our hope in God assures us that the sun will shine again. It is vital to your existence that you get on the road that leads to peace and a future filled with hope. When a war is ended, there is peace. It is time to end the war. I agree that there is a boatload of darkness in today’s world. But there is no drug, no aphrodisiac, no person or no medication that can faithfully guarantee you long-term hope and peace. There is one sure-fire way to end the war without firing a shot. Put your faith in God. God created the entire universe. His grace and love cover this entire planet and beyond infinity. His plans for us surpass anything we seek or desire. (Isaiah 55:9; Romans 8:28) If you make God your hope, you will find inner strength to lessen or overcome your pain and rejoice in His plans for your future. “Be not conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2) |
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