How to Know What You are Worth - Spiritual Nugget 48
Occasionally, the news will carry an article on the worth of certain people. In most cases, that worth is associated with the amount of money or possessions owned by individuals. The size of the bank account, real estate investments, size and profitability of a business, jewelry, vehicles and other valuables are some of the items used to calculate worth.
There are two factors involved in calculating wealth: assets and liabilities. Assets are significant things you own or possess, whereas liabilities are classified as debts or things you may owe.
When you calculate your self-worth using this type of balance sheet, it is like hiding in the false bottom of a suitcase. No one knows you are there. Far too often, we assign a very low value to ourselves because we are influenced by this asset/liability accounting of worth.
One of the most striking examples of why we should never consider our worth based on tangible things is found within the bee colonies. We often use the term “worker bees” to define those who may be considered less important than someone in a higher position. Here is the reality check for determining worth from the Book of Bees.
In a bee colony, the worker bee rules. They are female and control most of what goes on inside the hive: housekeeping, feeding the queen, drones, and larvae, making the wax, and much more. She even becomes the undertaker when bees die. On the other hand, you have the drones whose only job is to mate with an unfertilized queen. Finally, there is the honeybee queen. She is considered the single most important bee in a colony since the entire bee colony population comes from the queen. Despite her importance, it would be almost impossible to assign a worth to any one of these bee positions since they are all necessary to produce the hive. ¹
Each of us has worth, each of us has value, each of us is here in this three-dimensional world for a purpose. Money is a thing, possessions whatever they are and regardless of the value assigned to them, remain only things. True worth is based on your inner person. Excellence of character includes honesty and truthfulness, respect, gentleness, and unfailing kindness, which in God’s sight is of “great worth.” (I Peter 3:4)
I cannot help but reflect on what the outcomes might have been if today’s balance sheet standards had judged the following:
Jesus, “a prophet without honor;” “no place to lay his head”
Moses, the stutterer
Gideon, the doubter
David, the shepherd boy
Peter and the Disciples, fishermen
Paul, the Evangelist
It is worth asking yourself: If you had to choose between being very wealthy or living a long healthy life, which would you choose? The parable of the rich fool also contains a warning: “Your life is going to end tonight. Now who will get what you have prepared for yourself?” (Luke 12:20)
Make a commitment not to judge your worth by the world’s balance sheet. Remind yourself that God determines your worth. An abundance of possessions does not calculate your value to Him—He looks at your heart.
¹ › wiki › Worker_bee
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“Money is a thing, possessions whatever they are and regardless of the value assigned to them, remain only things.”