Where Is Your Spirit? - Spiritual Nugget 89
About six months ago I had a conversation with an acquaintance who had just had a facelift. She seemed very excited and inspired by her decision.
Two months later her enthusiasm about her choice for surgery seemed diminished. She spoke as if she were disillusioned at the entire process. Sadly, she had mistakenly believed it would solve all her problems. Many of us forget that our external bodies merely permit us to function in this three-dimensional world. They are temporary and will eventually decay. Irrefutable change comes from within. We often disremember that we are humans infused by God who is Spirit. God made man and woman in His image and after His likeness. (Genesis 1:27) He has imparted to us His life-giving Spirit (breath).This is not a Casper-the-Friendly Ghost spirit! He is the Holy Spirit that brings humanity into a relationship with their Creator. But the free will of man, also purposed by God, provides opportunities for people to submit to the power of a secular direction for their spirits and souls to embrace. Once we fit into the seat of the roller coaster of this imperfect and damaged world, we become proud and foolish in spirit, forget God, and create our own merry-go-round of false wisdom with no need for God except in an emergency. Can you imagine The Divine calling such behavior as “whoredom?” (Hosea 4:12) Given the current conditions within our world system, it is more than challenging to reap the benefits of God’s gifts of prosperity, health, and abundant life without abiding in the Spirit of the Lord. (3 John:1; John 10:10). Yes, everyone has an answer, but only God has the permanent and perfect solution. (John 16:33) Abiding in His Spirit may sound like a bunch of pie-in-the-sky, but it is possible to:
We are God’s children. He loves us with an eternal love. There is no act anyone can commit that is so heinous it will strip His love from us. Even when we behave like owners of a brothel, He remains faithful to us. But the foundation of His life-giving Spirit can overcome internal death and decay, only if His Spirit continually abides in us and is wrapped safely in a relationship with His Son. Love and change outside of the Spirit of God is a fraud and eventually will lead to disillusionment and disappointment. Until we begin to abide in Him and seek Him in Spirit and truth, our efforts are like pouring water into a jug full of holes. Eternal love is part of His Spirit; choose to abide in Him. |
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“We are God’s children. He loves us with an eternal love. There is no act anyone can commit that is so heinous it will strip His love from us.” Leave a Comment or Message Below