Spiritual Nuggets
Will You Receive a Healthy Harvest? - Spiritual Nugget 54
Many recognized experts and scientific minds have theorized there are several universal laws. Perhaps you have heard of a few and can name some of them. Examples are:
The Law of Sowing and Reaping is one law you might want to view as a primary influencer in your life journey. It parallels The Law of Cause and Effect—what kind of seed are you sowing? This combination never fails. You may recall that in one of my earlier Nuggets, I mentioned the process of seed planting. Some of the influencers of seed planting are the soil, rain or water, and parasites. Seeds are alive, so when you plant a seed, you can expect a harvest. There are certain conditions in which seeds thrive and bring forth a bountiful and prosperous harvest. On the other hand, seeds, thrown among the soil like rocks, will yield an unhealthy crop or a variety of weeds. Our Biblical and world history are filled with an abundance of stories about kings, rulers, and leaders who reaped the harvest of the seed they sowed—David, Jezebel, and Saul among the most notable. Their seeds of lust, uncontrollable greed and power, and jealousy yielded devastating harvests. Their children and families were wiped out, and others met violent deaths or committed suicide. What about our daily seed bag? Are we putting our seeds in soil that will yield a fruitful harvest? Planting seed is not always about money. It is also about using the seed God has given us to plant/invest seeds in the life of another. It’s giving someone a pair of clean socks or a blanket or giving a kind word that gives the person a sense of value and self-worth. It’s praying for our family and leaders. It’s lending a helping hand to a struggling family. How often do we volunteer at a shelter or become a counselor at a youth camp? Sowing seed is all of these and more. Israel and the United States have survived as powerful nations despite the seeds of disobedience and our anti-God/anti-Christ attitudes. God’s remarkable grace has intervened throughout the United States’ and Israel’s history. With the knowledge of His amazing grace, let us not lapse into selective amnesia and forget that The Law of Sowing and Reaping and The Law of Cause and Effect are irreversible. These laws work at both the national and personal levels. They work 24-hours a day, 365 (366 when there is a leap year) days a year, whether or not we know it. Some seeds take longer to germinate than others, but they will always yield a harvest. If you don’t like the harvest you are reaping, you may want to consider changing not only the type of seeds you are sowing, but also the location and quality of soil into which you plant those seeds. |
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“With the knowledge of His amazing grace, let us not lapse into selective amnesia and forget that The Law of Sowing and Reaping and The Law of Cause and Effect are irreversible" Leave a Comment or Message Below