![]() If you have ever checked out the Emeth website, you will notice three words, “Truth, Light, and Love.” These words are the gateway to the Spiritual Nuggets. You may also recall that two of these words have been spotlighted as topics. Although the word light has not been a topic, during the holiday season, it takes center stage. Joy, hope, cheer, and goodness all seem to suggest light. Lights appear everywhere, signaling a time of joy and love. In scientific terms, light results when a primary energy source is converted into electricity. A light bulb produces visible light from electric power. We also have the natural light from day, moon, and stars. On the human side, the origin of light is symbolic of brightness, shine, glow, and spirit in the life of mankind. More important, light is the all-inclusive essence of God. Each one of us has the opportunity to enjoy light within our minds and intellect. How we interact with light will reflect in our lives and our spirits (soul). Our pathway during our life journey will be filled with either light or darkness. We determine our destination. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, is a secular metaphor that clearly illustrates darkness and light as shown through the character known as Ebenezer Scrooge. He is a mean-spirited, miserly old man who treats his nephew and his other employees, heartlessly and unfairly. He was clearly a man filled with darkness. After ghostly visits from his former business partner and three other ghosts, past, present, and future, he is faced with his final destination of death. This reality instilled terror in his soul and leads him to open his heart to the light and joy of Christmas. He responds with kindness and love to his family and others. Darkness is in direct contrast to light. It breeds and thrives on:
On the other hand, light cultivates and nurtures:
God intended the light to be good, and it was. When he spoke the words, “Let there be light,” all chaos, darkness, and desolation were wiped away. It signaled the beginning of creation and life. We are instructed to walk in the light so we can see where we are going. (I John 1:7) When we stumble around in darkness, we begin to harbor the disposition of a troll. Creative energy is squashed, and the dawn of the spectacular and miraculous, is strangled. Practice living in the light, and keep your pathway lit!
![]() As the holidays approach over the next two months, there appears to be a softer, gentler spirit in our daily interaction with others. We seem to sense that this time of year inspires greater kindness and love. Suddenly, a new wrinkle invades. It distracts us, and we focus our attention on a horrific and dark event that just occurred. A child dies, someone is killed, or some other catastrophic, emotional, nightmare happens. Faster than the speed of light, a mental response for some of us might question how a loving God could allow such an unexpected, undeserved or evil thing to happen? In fact, how could a God of compassion permit so much suffering? It seems that blaming God for evil, illness, ill-treatment, punishment, or countless hardships is a misguided assumption. God is the source of all love. His nature, personality, and essence are love. The object of His love is, and always will be, His human creations. When God created the first man and woman, He cared for them and provided for them. In fact, they were given everything they needed to “go forth and populate the earth.” (Genesis 2:27) They were created as responsible beings, free to make choices. When people exercise free will, they enjoy the freedom to love, to hate, to be morally responsible, to be immoral, and to better their lives and the lives of others. They have freedom to build, to destroy, to yield, or to resist. Like many things, freedom frequently is misused. As a result, there is a great potential for evil. Nazi Germany and the Taliban are gigantic examples of destructive evil, oppression, and death. On the other hand, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa and others, are light shining examples of healing, freedom and Godly love. If God intervened every time a person misused free will, He would control our decisions as if we were computers or robots. This would not be freedom for any of us. God permits us to make personal choices, even when we sometimes hurt others. The consequences of our choices are always waiting in the wings. God is truly the only righteous Judge of all our actions. He is also faithful to strengthen, to comfort, and to love us whenever we suffer. He is aware of our fears, tears, pain and anger. Nothing escapes His attention. When evil touches us, love comes to the forefront as we show compassion for the distressed person or persons. Without free will, our appreciation of love in the face of evil would not be as dynamic. Evil may last for a season, but love, God’s love, is eternal. |
October 2024
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