![]() A couple of weeks ago I was preparing for a yard sale to purge many of my dinosaur items. Some of these included silver-plated trays, bowls, and serving dishes. Much to my horror, many of these silver items were tarnished and discolored. No way could I display them at a yard sale in their dark, almost ancient-looking condition. Hoping to gain some insight on how to stumble my way through restoring them, I turned to the imperfect, “helpful in a crunch” Internet for information. I learned there are several combinations of ingredients that may free them from their exposure to the air and stimulate restoration to their original state. But no matter which ingredients I chose, I would have to put some muscle into it. Since I am kind of “old school,” I opted to begin my cleaning effort with silver polish. I applied polish to one of the silver bowls and then began to firmly rub out the darkness. After five minutes of rubbing, until my wrists were limp and my fingers numb, I realized that no matter what ingredients I used, my goal for restoration of this bowl and the other silver items was going to be trivial. They had been exposed too long to the elements of the air. Throughout our life journey, many of us have been exposed for prolonged times to the elements of the world. We suffer from physical ailments and disease, we haul around a truckload of emotional scars, and we have become tarnished and discolored (bitter, cynical, and rebellious). Man-made scrubbing tools (medical, psychological, pills, and injections), furnish us with a temporary way to assimilate in this three-dimensional world, despite a fractured spirit. But they fall exceedingly short in treating the root. Like a root-bound plant, if the roots are imprisoned, the plant will eventually begin to die. Psychological depression, bone diseases, lowered immune resistance, blood diseases, and suicide (mental, moral, spiritual) are a few examples of root-bound spirits and souls. God is unequaled, unrivaled in His power to free us from the dross (deterioration) of our damaged souls and spirits. Not only has He provided healing for physical ailments and diseases like cancer, covid, and paralysis, but His restoration includes physical/bodily healing, spiritual healing, and miraculous healing. He restores where all hope is lost.
The futility of human efforts to run our own lives without a relationship with God is a humanistic stronghold headed for darkness, discoloration, and ultimate destruction. (Romans 8:3) Put some muscle into establishing a relationship with the Father and His Son. Submit your heart and soul to the Spirit and will of God to avoid exposure to the elements of the world. Only God’s Grace through His Son can heal and restore you to your purposeful beauty.
October 2024
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