![]() Watching people stand in endless lines for hours waiting to board the popular roller coaster ride filled me with amazement. Each time the cars whooshed around on narrow tracks and descended downhill toward a steep drop, the peoples’ laughter and screams became louder. Fear of a calamitous mechanical malfunction was masked as the people seemed blindly engaged in gleeful mirth. They had put their faith in the assurance of the safety of an amusement park ride. God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, is not a roller coaster! Yet we often face a major challenge in placing our faith in Him. Rather, we place our faith in worldly assurances and look to ourselves and others. Since creation, humankind has attempted to escape reliance on a trustworthy God. We discredit The unseen, yet trustworthy God who sees the future as the present and the invisible as seen. (Hebrews 11:1-3) We impatiently treat His delayed response to our requests as reasons to doubt his trustworthiness and faithfulness. To overcome our faithlessness, we build foundations that support our reality of security, firmness, and truth, none of which guarantee security. Humans disappoint or change, financial markets are like balloons and eventually fail or collapse. Like Iguanas (lizards), who can change colors, political ideologies also change. Worldly love (without Christ) lacks the nature of God. It overlooks the intrinsic worth of another through forgiveness and mercy. Among the multiple attributes of the self-existing God are His faithfulness and truthfulness. He always keeps His promises, and it is impossible for Him to lie. (Joshua 23:14; 2 Corinthians 1:20; Hebrews 6:18). Not one of the items man has created as objects to faith can compare with God’s unchangeable and constant truth. Often the question arises concerning the proof that God exists. Some say, “Show me the evidence of His existence.” Along these lines, science and atheists have advanced several theories to discount the Deity of God and Christ. It is a useless effort to try and convince those who are unwilling to abandon man’s tangible passports to faith and embrace Godly faith. (1 Timothy 1:4) Creation, the Bible, miracles, everlasting love, and eternal life are foolishness to those who are faithless. (Psalm 14:1) When a small child tightly holds his father’s hand as he walks along the narrow ridge of a brick wall, the child has complete confidence that his father will not let him fall should he slip. Faith in The unseen God, our spiritual Father, invites us to believe and rely on the fidelity, faithfulness, truthfulness, unchangeableness, and eternal love of God and His redemptive work through Christ. Faith is the guaranty of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (proof). (Hebrews 11:1)
October 2024
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