![]() I don’t know about their popularity in other cities, but in the beach city in which I live, E-Scooters are plentiful and as popular as chocolate. These 2-wheel mobility enablers have a narrow platform on which the rider stands with feet in a personal launch position which allows the occupant to travel at about 15 mph. Each scooter is designed for one person who is fully responsible for arriving at the intended destination. In like manner, each of us is accountable for the door we open and the road we travel during our life journey. Our worldly environment is always ready to open wide the door of possibilities filled with various circumstances, opportunities, relationships, sidebars, etc. Entrance through this wide door may seem to offer us a road to happiness, success, fame, fortune, beauty, love, pleasure, and other supposedly ideal visions. Any one of these directions is a reinforcement to define us as one of the majorities. On the other hand, the door of the spiritually driven is very narrow. It may be characterized by hardships, suffering, and disappointments—and who wants any of that? As hard as it is to believe, these are the characteristics that discipline us and infuse life into our souls. They bring growth into our hearts and unite us with God. Although the road behind the narrow door may not be as easy, it is the gateway to eternal life. When we discipline our children, it should be about love and not abuse. God’s love responds in the same manner toward His children. Did you ever notice when facing a potentially life-changing experience how your human devices to find a solution do not work? You feel stuck inside your door and are drawn to detour off the narrow road. Some of us will not want to wait for Divine intervention. At such a moment, we may consider giving up on life. It’s too painful and too hard. It’s as if we have let go of our faith and continue to throw stuff up against the wall that doesn’t work. (Mark 11:22) Discouragement and depression will eventually suggest that we step off the narrow road and go back through the easier wide door. This is when God shows up at exactly the right moment and applies the best solution to the problem. He has resources beyond our human capabilities and miracles are part of His nature. He has seen the end and has the answer. As the guarantee of life in Him, He offers us the Spirit of His Son, Jesus to live within us. (Galatians 2:20) His Spirit gives us power to become super conquerors. (Romans 8:31,37) Many people will cautiously go through the narrow door and carefully begin their walk along that slim road. Sadly, many will not maintain their spiritual commitment to remain on the thin, and often very difficult road; life will become a vapor. (Matthew 7:13-14) Believe that God is always there and will never leave you or forsake you (Shammah: He’s there). (Matthew 28:20) The door may be narrow that leads to the thin road and may be difficult, and you may feel squeezed like a stress ball, but in Him is eternal life. Stay within the narrow door!
October 2024
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